Sherborne Girls School
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Music raises the roof

Music raises the roof
The Arts

Funds for church roof repairs at St Nicholas’ Church at Nether Compton received a very welcome boost last week when the Madrigal Society, String Orchestra and Cantilena Wind Trio held a mid-week concert at the 13th century church, near Sherborne.

The musicians and singers took full advantage of the church’s wonderful natural acoustics to perform choral and instrumental works including pieces by Rutter, Grieg, Elgar, Bach, Mozart and Strauss.  And with proceeds from ticket sales and donations topping £800, the girls’ singing literally did ‘raise the roof’ adding a much needed sum to the target total of £85,000.

Peter Hawkins, Churchwarden at St Nicholas’ Church, said:  “It was a truly joyful occasion and we are very grateful to the girls and staff for filling our village church with such delightful music. The performers were outstanding and the evening was greatly enjoyed by all who came.”

Mr John Jenkins, Director of Music at Sherborne Girls, added: “It was a great pleasure to make our first visit to St Nicholas’ Church. We were given such a warm welcome and it was a joy to be supported by such a large audience. I am delighted to learn that our efforts managed to raise a good sum for the Church appeal.”

With further performances planned jointly with Sherborne School at the Abbey on 7 February and in London in March, the music department’s reputation for developing musical talent continues to grow.  Click through for further information about our music events.

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Music raises the roof