Sherborne Girls School
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Academic Support (SEN/G&T)

Academic Support (SEN/G&T)

Sherborne Girls is not a school where one size fits all. Teachers plan to meet the needs of individuals through a focus on Quality First Teaching, supported by the Learning Support Department.  

We have dedicated staff responsible for supporting gifted and talented pupils, those with specific educational needs and for disabilities and bilingual students, and those for whom English is an additional language. Whilst only a small proportion of our students live overseas, we have an International Coordinator to ensure they are well integrated. 

It is not only Scholars and Exhibitioners who are involved in events for Gifted and Talented girls; any girl who is performing outstandingly well in the classroom or in co-curricular activities may be included on the register.

Potential students of medicine and Oxbridge candidates have a firm programme of preparation in place, including visits and mentoring. ​ 

We are committed to helping girls continue with a language in which they are already proficient if we can. This might involve special conversation lessons, or small group or individual teaching on a paying basis. First language speakers may be entered for examination without tuition. 

For the minority of girls for whom English is an additional language, individual tuition in English as an Additional Language (EAL) is available on a paying basis. 

High expectations and an ethos of encouragement in the school is the backdrop against which our learning support specialist professionals operate. 

Where Next?



Tutoring and reporting

Tutoring and reporting

Tutoring and reporting
Results & Destinations

Results & Destinations

Results & Destinations

