Sherborne Girls School looks to employ talented and enthusiastic staff to deliver a well-rounded and diverse education to the students.
If you are interested in joining our team, please take a look at the available positions on the Vacancies page.
Mrs N Amlot Nurse
Mrs S Ashton Health Centre Administrator
Miss C Barnett BSc (University of London), FCCA Assistant Director of Finance - SSG
Miss I Barnes Events and Hospitality Assistant
Mrs A Beard Dip.HEN Health Centre Manager
Mrs J Brewer RGN Events Assistant
Mrs H Burrows BA Hons (Durham) Deputy Director of HR - SSG
Mrs J Campbell Nurse
Miss M Clothier BA Hons (Falmouth) Marketing Manager
Miss L Cole Operational Safeguarding Manager and DSL
Miss K Cook BSc Hons (McGill, Canada) Operations Bursar
Mr A Cope School Office Administrator
Mrs A Cornish Academic Co-ordinator & Examination Officer
Mrs J Cracknell BA Hons (Exeter) Admissions Officer
Mrs P Davidson BA Hons (Manchester), MA (Exeter) Assistant Librarian
Mr J Davies BSc Hons (Plymouth) IT Systems & Training Administrator
Mr S Dyke IT Technician (AV Responsibility)
Mrs R Edgecombe BSc (Plymouth) Physics Technician
Mr T Farr BSc (Hons), MCP, MCSA, MCTS, MCITP, RITTech, MBCS, MInstLM Director of IT - SSG
Miss Z Farrant BSc (Bournemouth) Nurse
Mrs F Fox HR Advisor (recruitment)
Mrs L Francis Assistant Science Technician
Mrs L Gower Nurse
Mrs J Hinks Registrar
Mrs P Hooper AATQB Finance Administrator
Miss C Kelly Nurse
Miss P Jackson BSc Hons (Plymouth) PA to Senior Deputy Head
Mrs D Jackson Shop Assistant
Mrs F James Alumnae Manager
Mrs L Jarrett BA Hons (Oxford Brookes) Marketing & Engagement Officer
Mrs K Lavin HR Administrator
Ms L Luddington BACP Accredited School Counsellor
Mrs A Mackintosh BA (Oxford Brookes) External Relations and Community Co-ordinator
Mr D Manton IT Technician (Software Development)
Mr R Mathew IT Technician
Miss C McGrath PA to Deputy Heads and Co-Curricular Co-ordinator
Mr F McMorrow BEd Hons (London) Sport Administrator
Mrs S Morgan Bsc(Hons), PGCE (Plymouth) Biology Technician
Mrs J Noble-Watts BA Hons (Brighton), MCLIP Librarian, Archivist and Learning Resources Manager
Mrs J Paulley Shop Manager
Mrs J Raven Executive Assistant to the Head
Mrs M Rodaway Reprographics
Mrs V Rosello School Counsellor
Mr P Rowland Transport Co-ordinator and Fire Safety Technician
Miss B Sedge Senior Science Technician
Mrs G Shave-Smythies BSc (Bath Spa) MA (Open University) Policies, Inspection & Strategy Co-ordinator
Mrs J Simpson MIAB Lettings Officer
Mrs R Simpson Finance Assistant
Mrs H Smith (Adv Dip) MBACP (Accred) UKRCP Lead Counsellor
Mrs S Welch Business Development Manager - SSG
Mrs J Whaites Nurse
Mrs S Whitney Merritt Centre Manager
Ms L Windsor Development Officer
Mr D Lloyd BA Hons, Fine Art (Falmouth), PGCE (Wales) Head of Art and Design
Mrs R Anderson Art Technician FdA Fine Art (University of Gloucestershire)
Mr B Boa BA Hons Fashion Design (Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts), PGCE (Bath), Teacher of Textiles and Art.
Mrs Kate Bowden Art technician - BA Hons Fine Art– Cheltenham Art College
Mr J Casely BA Hons (Birmingham), MPhil (Birmingham), QTS (Exeter). Head of History of Art
Mrs A Diggle Perry BA Hons Ceramics (Middlesex), PGCE (Middlesex) Teacher of Art, Ceramics and 3D Design
Ms P Ellis BA (Courtauld Institute, London), MA (London) History of Art Teacher
Mr G Greed BA Hons Photography (Falmouth), PGCE (Bath) Teacher of Photography and Design
Mrs C Mason BA (Reading), ME (Wales), PGCE (Cheltenham) Artist/Curator
Mrs S Reidy BA Hons (Portsmouth), PGCE (Plymouth) Teacher of Art
Mr D Scott BA (Plymouth) 3D Art Technician/Demonstrator
Mrs E-J Warwood Smith BSc Hons Textiles (Bolton), PGCE (Bath) Textiles Teacher
Mr J Grierson Assistant Head Teaching and Learning
Mrs D Miller Assistant Head Safeguarding
Miss E A Nurse Assistant Head SENDCo
Mrs K Scorer Assistant Head Aspiration, Academic Enrichment and Oxbridge
Mrs R M Allen BA (Birmingham) Assistant Head of Sixth Form, EPQ Coordinator, Latin, Greek, Classical Civilisation
Ms S Haslam MA (Cantab), PGCE Classics Teacher
Miss K Malan BA (Birmingham) Housemistress, Classical Civilisation
Mrs K Scott BA Hons (Exeter) Director of Drama
Mrs K Kay BA Hons (Dartington), PGCE, Teacher of Drama
Mr M Freestone BA (Natal) Speech and Drama Tutor
Miss E A Nurse BA Hons (Manchester), PGCE, CTEACH, Teacher of Drama
Miss T Skerritt BA (Exeter) MSc (Durham) Resident Graduate Assistant
Miss H Donnellan BA Hons (East Anglia) PGCE, Head of English
Mrs J Briggs BA Hons (Reading) Teacher of English
Miss A Dean BA Hons(Birmingham), PGCE (Bristol) Teacher of English
Miss N Keenan MA Hons, MScR, PGDE, MPhil (Edinburgh) CREDL (Glasgow) Teacher of English
Mr I McClary MA (St Andrews), PGCE, Assistant Chaplain & Teacher of English
Ms B Watts BA Hons (Exeter), PGCE Teacher of English
Rev K Windle BA Durham, MTh Nottingham, PGCE, DipMM Nottingham Chaplain & Teacher of English
Mr T Peacock Director of Estates and Facilities - SSG
Mr B Ascott Caretaker
Ms D Bailey Painter and Decorator
Mr C Biddiscombe Groundsman
Mr S Chorley Carpenter
Mr D Down Electrical Apprentice / Duty Caretaker
Miss T Eavis Head of Housekeeping
Miss S Frost Estates and Facilities Co-ordinator
Mr Z Grainger Plumber
Mr N Grainger Maintenance Technician
Mr R Hatcher Mason
Mr S Hibbert Head of Grounds and Gardens
Mr P Folan Maintenance Technician / Duty Caretaker
Mr P Larkham Electrician
Mr M Lawrence Head Caretaker
Mr D Marsh Carpenter
Mrs J McCloskey Estates and Projects Administrator
Mr R Nutland Facilities Manager
Mrs L Perry Gardener
Miss S Powell Cleaning Supervisor
Mr J Plumber Plumber
Miss M Smith Cleaning Supervisor
Mr I Staite Facilities Porter
Mr M Trew Gardener/Groundsman
Mrs D Miller BEd Hons (Manchester) Head of Food and Nutrition
Miss C Archer Leiths
Mrs F Beck Teacher of Food and Nutrition and Leiths
Mrs A Dainty Teacher of Food and Nutrition and Food Technician
Mrs E Morray-Jones BSc (University of Surrey) Head of Faculty
Mr D Banks BSc (Cardiff), PGCE Business, Economics, Geography
Mrs F Barnes Bsc (Lancaster), PGCE Teacher of Geography
Mr A Copp BSc Hons (Bristol) PGCE, Teacher of Business and Economics
Mrs C Manning BA Hons, MA (Glamorgan) PGCE, Teacher of Business
Mrs C Morgan BSc (Wales) Teacher of Geography
Mrs S Elliott BA Hons (Reading), MEd in Educational Leadership Head of History, Politics and Sociology
Mr R Barnes LLB Hons (Liverpool) MEd (Buckingham) Teacher of Politics
Mrs E Custodio BA Hons (Wales) Teacher of History
Miss H Hayter BA Hons (Durham) MA (Oxford) Teacher of Sociology
Mrs K E Scorer MA (Oxon), PGCE History and Sociology Teacher/Assistant Head of Sixth Form
Miss K Young BA History, MA Arts & Culture History and Sociology Teacher
Miss R Tillin BSA Certificate Aldhelmsted West
Mrs E Custodio BA Hons (Wales) Aldhelmsted East
Mr R Gent BSC (Salford) Dun Holme
Miss K Malan BA (Birmingham) Kenelm
Mrs F Cracknell BMus (Hons) LRSM Reader Harris
Mrs K Cole BA Oxon (University of Oxford) Mulliner
Mrs K Scott BA Hons (Exeter) Wingfield Digby
Assistant Housemistresses/masters
Mrs J Hinks Aldhelmsted East
Miss R Dinsdale Aldhelmsted West
Miss N Keenan Dun Holme
Miss L Nightingale Kenelm
Miss K Gammack Mulliner
Mr B Boa Wingfield Digby
Miss H Donnellan Reader Harris
Miss M Lawrence Aldhelmsted East
Ms M Paolozzi Aldhelmsted East
Mrs M Knight Aldhelmsted West
Miss EJ Wells Aldhelmsted West
Mrs M Knight Dun Holme
Mrs S Warne Dun Holme
Mrs C Wharfe Dun Holme
Mrs C Blocke Kenelm
Mrs A Furber-Smith Mulliner
Mrs G Pollitt Mulliner
Mrs S McLean Reader Harris
Ms E Mike Reader Harris
Mrs A Taylor Wingfield Digby
Mrs D Cook Wingfield Digby
Mrs M Barlow (Sunday Matron)
Mrs C Roberts(Sunday Matron)
Miss V Collyer BSc (Hons) (St. Andrews), M.App.Sci (Sydney), Dip. Env. Pol., Grad. Dip. Ag. MRAC Head of Learning Support
Mrs L Broadbent MA Hons, (Edinburgh), CELTA, DELTA EAL and Learning Support Teacher
Mrs J Rowland BA Hons (Durham), PGCE (Cantab) Learning Support Teacher
Mrs J Ward BA (Carleton), BA (Hons) (Open), MSc (Open), PGCE (Open), TESL (George Brown), AMI (Toronto), Dip. SpLD (OCR) Specialist assessor
Mr D Betteridge, BSc (Cardiff) Teacher of Maths
Miss J Davidson BSc (UMIST), PGCE Teacher of Maths
Miss R Dinsdale BSc Hons (Keele) Teacher of Maths
Mrs J Edmondson BSc, MA (Rhode Island) Teacher of Maths
Mr C Gray BA Hons Teacher of Maths
Mrs S Blewitt BA Hons (Bath), Msc (Oxford) Head of MFL and French
Mrs C Ayala BA (DePaul) MA (Bristol) Spanish Language Assistant
Ms E Baudouin French Language Assistant
Mrs P Blanco Teacher of Spanish
Mrs C Bulley BA Hons (Exeter) MA (Bath) Teacher of Italian and Language Assistant
Mrs G Carvia-Meadows Licenciatura en Filosofía y Letras (Cádiz), PGCE (Madrid) Head of Spanish
Mrs K Cole BA Oxon (Oxford) Teacher of German
Mrs P Fieldhouse MA (London), BA (Rhodes), PGCE (Institute of Education, London) French & Spanish Teacher
Mrs C Hardy Teacher of Spanish
Mrs S Middleton MA (University of London) Japanese Tutor
Mrs L Plant Mandarin Teacher
Mrs G Raven BA (Durham) Teacher of French
Mr M Cracknell BA (Hons) PGCE (Bath) Director of Music
Mr M Dury MA (Bristol) PgDL (UWE) BMus (London), PGCE Assistant Director of Music (Academic)
Miss C W Morgan MEd (Exeter), DipRAM, PGDip, LRAM, BMus Hons (Manchester) Assistant Director of Music (Instrumental)
Mr D Arkell BA (Hons), PGCE (Durham), BA (Hons) London, FTCL, LRSM, LGSM, LRSM Organist and Choral Accompanist
Mrs F Cracknell BMus (Hons) LRSM Teacher of Music
Miss A Kelly-Slogrove Resident Graduate Assistant
Visiting Music Tutors
Miss H Hayter BA Hons (Durham) MA (Oxford) Head of RS and Philosophy
Mr J Acton BD Hons (St Andrews) Teacher of RS and Theology
Mr G Greed Head of PSHEE
Mrs E Custodio BA Hons (Wales) Teacher of PSHEE
Miss K Gammack BA Hons (Oxford Brookes) Teacher of PSHEE
Miss K Malan BA (Birmingham) Teacher of PSHEE
Mrs C Morgan BSc (Wales) Teacher of PHSEE
Miss S Walls BEd (Queensland) Teacher of PSHEE
Revd K Windle BA Durham, MTh Nottingham, PGCE, DipMM Nottingham Chaplain, Teacher of PSHEE
Mr A Angelosanto BSc (York) PGCE Head of Science & Chemistry
Miss R Brown BSc Hons (London), PGCE (Bath) Teacher of Biology
Mr J Blake BA Hons Physics (Oxford), PGCE (Bath) Teacher of Physics
Mrs A Cochrane BSc (Nottingham) Teacher of Biology
Mr M Crabtree BSc (Leeds), LRPS, PGCE Teacher of Physics
Miss K Gammack BA Hons (Oxford Brookes) PGCE Teacher of Psychology
Mr J Grierson MPhys, PGCE (Oxford) Teacher of Physics
Miss I Harvey BSc (Nottingham Trent) PGCE, Teacher of Chemistry
Mr B Hawkins MChem (Cardiff) PGCE (Cardiff) Teacher of Chemistry
Miss I Hou BA, MSc (Cambridge) Teacher of Science
Miss T Joseph Resident Intern Physics Assistant
Mrs M Lockwood BA Hons (Worcester) Head of Life Sciences
Mrs F Salisbury BSc Hons (Plymouth) Teacher of Biology
Mrs H Parkin NPQML, MEd, PGDE, BSc Hons (Leeds) Director of Sport
Mrs J Armstrong Head of Adventure and Outdoor Education
Miss E Chandler Sports Coach
Mr A Finnis CCF Assistant
Mrs J Gritt BEd (St Mark and St John) Teacher of A Level PE
Miss D Hookins BSc (Bournemouth) Resident Graduate Assistant (Sport)
Mrs E Jamieson BCom Hons (Birmingham) Teacher of PE
Miss S Jones BSc Hons (Cardiff) Hockey Coach
Mrs A Mackintosh BA (Oxford Brookes) Equestrian and Skiing
Mrs N Matthias BEd (St Paul and St Mary) PE Teacher, I/C Swimming and Running
Mr F McMorrow BEd (London) Sports Administrator
Miss L Nightingale BA Hons (Brighton) Teacher of PE
Mr W Pattinson MSc Sports Science Head of Athletic Development
Mr P Rowland Hockey Coach
Miss L Teasdale MSC Strength and Conditioning (Loughborough) Strength and Conditioning Coach
Mr M Tolley BSc Sport and Exercise Science (Swansea), PGCE Physical Education (Exeter) Head of Lacrosse
Miss S Walls BEd (Queensland) PE Teacher
Mr B Watts BA,MA (St Mark and St John) Resident Sport Coach
Miss A Willets BSc (Oxford Brookes) Resident Graduate Assistant (Lacrosse)