At Sherborne Girls, we are very proud of our bespoke tutoring system. Each house has a team of academic tutors, drawn from the teaching staff.
They liaise with the housemistress or housemaster who has overall responsibility for the girls in his or her care. This ensures that communication is strong and house spirit even stronger!
The tutor’s aim is to ensure that each girl fulfils her potential, not just in examination results but in terms of her personal qualities. This involves getting to know the girl and encouraging her interests, monitoring her academic progress, advising on study skills, time management, career and higher education aspirations, and helping her in making choices.
Tutorials happen all over the school whether in a classroom, a house drawing room or over a cup of hot chocolate at Queenie's Cafe or the Coffee Pod in the sports centre. Tutors also attend lunch in the boarding house once a week. The girls value this individual care and attention immensely and the tutor, along with the house staff, becomes a very important member of the pupil's experience at Sherborne Girls.
We know that girls thrive academically where the school and parents enjoy strong communication, so regular reporting and parents’ meetings are part of the landscape.
Grade reports are published on the parent portal according to the published schedule. In every term, there is either a full written report, with grades and detailed comment, or a formal parents’ meeting.
We hold parents’ seminars throughout the year on relevant topics (for example: GCSE subject options in Year 9, Higher Education in Lower Sixth). These seminars are usually followed by a formal parents’ meeting which gives an opportunity to meet the teaching staff. The school uses an online booking system for parents’ convenience. Recently parents have enjoyed informative online meetings, enabling parent access to these meetings from all over the world