Sherborne Girls School
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Sherborne Girls see Sandhurst training in action

Sherborne Girls see Sandhurst training in action
Higher Ed & Careers

Sixth Form students were invited to see what life as a Sandhurst cadet is really like when they visited the famous military academy recently.

The trip follows on from an inspirational lecture by Lt Col Lucy Giles.  Lucy, who grew up and was educated locally, talked about her career in the army and her current role as the first female commanding officer at New College, Sandhurst.  

The Sixth Formers were given clearance to watch cadets undergoing bayonet training to see first-hand the levels of dedication and determination required.  The girls were incredibly impressed by the positive attitude, professionalism and pride embodied by each cadet.

It was a fascinating day which included meeting those cadets who were taking part in classroom work, having a tour of their accommodation and lunching with the female cadets to hear all about their army career aspirations.

Sixth Former, Annabel Harris, added: "The trip provided a greater understanding of what life as an Officer Cadet consisted off both in the field and academically. The day certainly gave us a unique insight and confirmed that a life in the Army could be for us!”

For more information about the careers advice and networking support we offer our girls click through here.

A brief glimpse into the life of Lt Col Lucy Giles

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Sherborne Girls see Sandhurst training in action