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M5 Polymer Day at Bristol University

M5 Polymer Day at Bristol University

Friday 19 May saw the entire M5 year group participating in the Polymer Day at Bristol University. Girls arrived at the Chemistry Department to be greeted by the Science Outreach Coordinator Dr. Tim Harrison and the day began with all the M5 students working in the undergraduate laboratories where they made a number of different synthetic and natural polymers. Following lunch, the M5 students were given a short and informative talk on university life, undergraduate courses, and UCAS applications.

A second lecture, presented by a final year PhD student, focused on an extraordinary and innovative research which hoped to avoid intrusive surgery in the womb to cure Spina Bifida in babies. The day concluded with a highly entertaining lecture demonstration by Dr. Tim Harrison where flashes and bangs, liquid nitrogen and foul smells were in abundance.

M5 Polymer Day

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M5 Polymer Day at Bristol University