Sherborne Girls School
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Big Sleep Out

Big Sleep Out
Community Links Chaplaincy

Determined to highlight and support the plight of the homeless, Sherborne Girls gave its full backing to a group of 11 sixth formers who took part in the Alabare ‘Big Sleep’ charity event at Salisbury Cathedral on Friday 8 March.

The students, along with School Chaplain Revd Katie Windle and Sixth Form Tutor Jennifer Nelson, braved the chilly March weather to link up with other young people to sleep outside in the open cloisters at the Cathedral. Whilst the girls know that this will provide them with just a taste of what it’s really like to sleep rough across Wiltshire and Dorset, the experience has made them even more determined to support the Alabare charity and to make a difference to the homeless cause, today and in the future.

Jenny Nelson explained: “As the girls grow through their final year in the Sixth Form, Friday’s experience will help them to understand the plight of those young people facing significant challenges and who can subsequently find themselves homeless.

“As a school community, we always look for ways to make a difference, and by joining in with, and supporting the fantastic work done by Alabare, we sincerely hope that practical help can be targeted at those young people who need it most. Well done to all involved as the group managed to raise £2800 for the charity.”

For further details on the work of the Alabare charity click through here.

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Big Sleep Out